Medical Hair Restoration

Hair loss can deeply affect self-esteem and confidence for both men and women, leading to self-consciousness and a decrease in well-being. Medical hair restoration offers a long-lasting solution, using surgical and non-surgical techniques to restore a natural-looking, full head of hair. At Philadelphia Facial Plastic Surgery & Medspa, we understand how impactful hair loss can be, and we’re dedicated to helping you regain your confidence and reach your aesthetic goals. Discover what medical hair restoration can do for you.

Medical Hair Restoration

Hair loss can deeply affect self-esteem and confidence for both men and women, leading to self-consciousness and a decrease in well-being. Medical hair restoration offers a long-lasting solution, using surgical and non-surgical techniques to restore a natural-looking, full head of hair. At Philadelphia Facial Plastic Surgery & Medspa, we understand how impactful hair loss can be, and we’re dedicated to helping you regain your confidence and reach your aesthetic goals. Discover what medical hair restoration can do for you.

What is Medical Hair Restoration?

Hair loss can be a distressing issue for both men and women, affecting self-esteem and confidence. Medical hair restoration offers a solution to this problem by using advanced techniques to restore hair growth in areas that have experienced thinning or baldness.

Hair restoration can involve the transplantation of healthy hair, a surgical and more invasive option, or it can involve one of the many non-surgical options that Dr. Spalla offers here at Philadelphia Facial Plastic Surgery & Medspa.

Together, we’ll decide which option is best for you based on your personal preferences and hair restoration goals.

Different Types of Medical Hair Restoration

Surgical Hair Restoration

The surgical hair restoration procedure involves carefully transplanting healthy hair follicles from one area of the scalp to another. This process is conducted under local anesthesia to ensure minimal discomfort for the patient.

Through surgical hair restoration, patients can regain their self-confidence and improve their overall appearance. The results are permanent, with new hair growth blending seamlessly with existing strands.

Following the procedure, it’s normal to experience some swelling and redness in the treated areas. However, these symptoms typically subside within a few days. Dr. Spalla will provide detailed aftercare instructions to promote healing and ensure optimal results.

Microneedling for Hair Restoration

Microneedling uses ultra-fine needles to create controlled wounds in the skin that trigger the body’s healing process. This causes new collagen to form along with new capillaries, the tiniest blood vessels in the body, to deliver nutrients to the skin.

The new collagen helps to firm and tighten the skin, decrease fine irregularities in our skin’s texture, and promote hair growth on the scalp area.

Dr. Spalla uses the Exceed™ microneedling device by Candela® and combines microneedling with serums or PRP (platelet rich plasma) to improve the appearance of the skin and hair.

Hair Restoration with PRP and PRF

How do PRP and PRF work for hair restoration?
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet-rich fibrin(PRF) therapy use the patient’s own platelets to stimulate hair growth. A small amount of blood is drawn from the patient’s arm, which is then processed to separate out the platelet-rich plasma.

This concentrated form of plasma contains growth factors that promote cell regeneration and tissue repair. The PRP solution is then injected into the scalp at targeted areas where there is thinning or balding.

Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) therapy is a form of PRP that incorporates white blood cells with platelets in what’s known as a fibrin matrix. This complex helps promote regeneration of hair tissue.

Both PRP and PRF for hair restoration can lead to fuller hair, new hair growth, and prevention of hair thinning, although these treatments are most effective in the crown and around the scalp.

Hydrafacial Keravive Hair Restoration

This specialized Hydrafacial focuses on cleansing, exfoliating, and hydrating the scalp and hair follicles. It effectively removes impurities while stimulating scalp circulation. The delivery of a proprietary blend of synthetic growth factors and proteins, along with panthenol (Vitamin B5 derivative) and arginine, promotes the thicker and more luxurious hair.

The Keravive Hydrafacial can benefit individuals experiencing hair thinning or loss due to aging, hormonal imbalances, stress, or other factors. By improving scalp health and increasing blood flow to the follicles, this treatment stimulates dormant hair follicles and promotes thicker, fuller hair over time. It is a safe and non-invasive option for those seeking natural-looking results without surgery or downtime. Plus, it feels great!

Benefits of
Hair Restoration

Improved Appearance and Confidence

Hair restoration can significantly improve a person’s appearance, boosting their self-esteem and confidence. By regaining a fuller head of hair, individuals can feel excited to look in the mirror again. This renewed sense of physical attractiveness often leads to increased internal confidence and better social and professional interactions.

Natural-Looking Results

Advancements in medical hair restoration techniques have made it possible for patients to achieve natural-looking results. Dr. Spalla can recreate hairlines that match the patient’s facial structure, ensuring a seamless blend with existing hair. These refined techniques allow for undetectable transplants that mimic the natural growth pattern.

Permanent Solution

Unlike temporary solutions such as wigs or topical treatments, the results from medical hair restoration are permanent, in the case of transplants, or long-lasting, when talking about non-surgical restoration techniques. 

Once the transplanted hairs take root, they will continue to grow naturally over time without requiring any additional maintenance or special care. This long-term solution provides individuals with lasting satisfaction and freedom from ongoing efforts to conceal thinning or bald spots.

Frequently Asked Questions

Non-surgical hair restoration is typically very well-tolerated, requiring little to no downtime and causing minimal discomfort.

While the results are considered permanent, medical hair restoration requires maintenance in order for the results to truly last. Medical hair restoration doesn’t have the power to stop aging, but with good care, you’ll see amazing results for years to come. Transplants are considered permanent, but they need care, too.

You may experience some redness or swelling after your non-surgical procedure, but it shouldn’t last for more than a day. After transplantation, you’ll likely experience scabbing at the transplant sites. Dr. Spalla will advise you on proper post-operative care.

You may be a good candidate for hair restoration if you have male or female patterned baldness, alopecia, hormonal changes causing hair loss, and have had a hair transplant previously that didn’t turn out like you’d hoped.

Hair restoration procedures vary in cost depending on the extent of your hair loss and what type of procedure you’re having. Hair transplants will be more expensive than non-surgical hair restoration, but they may be the optimal solution for your unique concerns. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Spalla to receive a personalized quote.

Regain Your Confidence with Medical Hair Restoration

Sit down with Dr. Spalla at Philadelphia Facial Plastic Surgery & Medspa to create your customized hair restoration treatment plan. Feel like yourself again with a fuller head of hair. Contact us and schedule an appointment today.
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