
Numerous considerations may prompt individuals to choose rhinoplasty. Whether aiming for a change in the appearance of their nose or seeking to enhance their overall confidence and happiness, the team at Philadelphia Facial Plastic Surgery & Medspa is ready and enthusiastic about performing rhinoplasty procedures. Our goal is to expertly execute interventions that contribute to an improved quality of life.


Numerous considerations may prompt individuals to choose rhinoplasty. Whether aiming for a change in the appearance of their nose or seeking to enhance their overall confidence and happiness, the team at Philadelphia Facial Plastic Surgery & Medspa is ready and enthusiastic about performing rhinoplasty procedures. Our goal is to expertly execute interventions that contribute to an improved quality of life.

Let’s explore the benefits of dermal fillers and how they can enhance your facial features while maintaining natural-looking results. Whether you seek subtle enhancements or more dramatic changes, trust the expertise and experience of Dr. Spalla at Philadelphia Facial Plastic Surgery & Medspa to deliver exceptional outcomes that exceed your expectations.

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to enhance the appearance and functionality of the nose. It involves reshaping or resizing the nose by modifying the cartilage and bone structure.

The procedure can be done for cosmetic reasons, such as improving symmetry or reducing a hump on the bridge of the nose, as well as for medical purposes like correcting breathing difficulties caused by structural abnormalities.

The Procedure and Recovery

Before undergoing rhinoplasty, patients need to consult with an experienced facial plastic surgeon who will evaluate their facial anatomy and discuss their goals. During surgery, incisions are made inside or outside the nostrils depending on which technique is used. This allows access to reshape or reposition bones and cartilage beneath the skin. Afterward, a splint may be applied to provide support during healing.

What to Expect from a Rhinoplasty Procedure

Consultation and Assessment
During the initial consultation, Dr. Spalla will assess your overall facial structure and discuss your desired goals for the procedure. He’ll also evaluate any existing breathing difficulties, if applicable, or other medical conditions that may affect the surgery. This is an important step to ensure that rhinoplasty is a suitable option for you.

Surgical Procedure
Rhinoplasty typically takes around 1 to 3 hours, depending on the complexity of the case. Dr. Spalla makes small incisions either inside or outside of your nose to access its underlying structures. He’ll then reshape bone, cartilage, and tissue to achieve the desired results. In some cases, additional graft material may be needed to provide support or fill areas lacking volume.

Recovery and Results
After surgery, you can expect some swelling and bruising around your nose area which gradually subsides over a few weeks. Pain medication prescribed by Dr. Spalla can help manage any discomfort during this period. The final results can take several months to fully manifest as it takes time for all swelling to dissipate and tissues to heal completely.

Different Types of Rhinoplasty Procedures

There are several different types of rhinoplasty procedures that can be performed to enhance the appearance and function of the nose. Numerous considerations may prompt individuals to choose rhinoplasty. Whether aiming for a change in the appearance of their nose or seeking to enhance their overall confidence and happiness, the team at Philadelphia Facial Plastic Surgery & Medspa is ready and enthusiastic about performing rhinoplasty procedures. Our goal is to expertly execute interventions that contribute to an improved quality of life.

Open Rhinoplasty

This procedure involves making an incision on the columella, which is the strip of skin separating the nostrils. It allows for better visibility and control during surgery, making it ideal for more complex cases.

Closed Rhinoplasty

In this procedure, all incisions are made inside the nostrils, leaving no visible scars. Dr. Spalla will opt for the less invasive options like this one whenever possible. Although it offers limited access compared to open rhinoplasty, closed rhinoplasty typically results in less swelling and a quicker recovery time.

Revision Rhinoplasty

Also known as secondary or corrective rhinoplasty, revision surgery is performed to correct any complications or unsatisfactory results from a previous nose job. Dr. Spalla’s extensive experience and skill allow him to work with a rhinoplasty that didn’t meet your expectations.

Benefits of a Rhinoplasty

Improved Appearance

A rhinoplasty procedure can greatly improve the appearance of the nose, creating a more balanced and harmonious facial profile. By reshaping the nose, Dr. Spalla can enhance features such as the bridge, tip, or nostrils to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing result. The procedure is customizable to each individual’s unique facial anatomy and desired outcome.

Enhanced Confidence

Many individuals who undergo rhinoplasty report an increase in self-esteem and confidence following surgery. When people feel good about their appearance, they often experience more satisfying social interactions in personal and professional settings. We love knowing that our procedures not only boost confidence about appearance, but have a positive impact on our patients’ lives as a whole.

Corrective Benefits

Many individuals who undergo rhinoplasty report an increase in self-esteem and confidence following surgery. When people feel good about their appearance, they often experience more satisfying social interactions in personal and professional settings. We love knowing that our procedures not only boost confidence about appearance, but have a positive impact on our patients’ lives as a whole.

Frequently Asked Questions

As mentioned above, Dr. Spalla prefers to perform closed procedures whenever possible. That means that the incisions made during rhinoplasty are typically made inside the nose or in inconspicuous areas around the nose, such as the creases between the nostrils and the upper lip.

 As a result, scarring after the surgery is usually minimal and not usually noticeable. After the surgery, patients should follow their surgeon’s post-operative instructions carefully to ensure proper healing and minimize the risk of scarring.

Patients can expect some swelling and bruising around the nose and eyes after surgery. This may last for about two weeks. Most people are able to return to work or school within one week after surgery. However, full healing and final results take several months.

It is recommended that patients avoid wearing glasses directly on their noses during the initial recovery period following surgery. This helps prevent pressure on the nose and ensures proper healing of the nasal structures. Patients may instead opt for specially designed eyeglass frames that sit on the cheeks or forehead until they are fully healed.

That is always the goal. In many cases, it can even improve nasal function and help patients breathe more easily. However, patients should discuss any concerns about their breathing with their surgeon before the procedure to ensure they are addressed during the surgery.

Several factors affect the cost of a rhinoplasty, including the complexity of the procedure, anesthesia, and operative time. Rhinoplasty procedures that are done to address a medical issue, like a breathing problem, may be eligible for insurance coverage. It’s important to check with your insurance provider to see if they’ll cover part of the procedure. Schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Spalla to receive a personalized quote.

Enhance Your Nose's Aesthetic and Functional Qualities with Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a life-changing procedure designed to enhance both the appearance and function of the nose. At Philadelphia Facial Plastic Surgery & Medspa, Dr. Spalla is committed to assisting patients in realizing their aesthetic aspirations and gaining greater confidence in their nasal features. If you’re contemplating rhinoplasty, we encourage you to arrange a consultation. Contact our Philadelphia office or fill out our online form to delve into the details of the procedure and discover its potential benefits for you.
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